Notes from my Kitchen

Discover My Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Recipes, Tips, And Learnings For Your Family.

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Pumpkin Chia Pudding

Nutrient-Packed Mornings in Just 5 Minutes!  

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Pumpkin Chia Pudding

Nutrient-Packed Mornings in Just 5 Minutes!  

Berry and Matcha Smoothie

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Berry and Matcha Smoothie

Matcha is a finely ground powder from green tea leaves grown and processed following very ancient and rigorous traditional methods. It has a much higher antioxidant power than conventional green...

  • Recipe

Berry and Matcha Smoothie

Matcha is a finely ground powder from green tea leaves grown and processed following very ancient and rigorous traditional methods. It has a much higher antioxidant power than conventional green...

Quinoa Hummus

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Quinoa Hummus

Quinoa has been domesticated and cultivated in Peru for more than five thousand years. The Lake Titicaca basin is considered the main center of origin of quinoa and the center...

  • Recipe

Quinoa Hummus

Quinoa has been domesticated and cultivated in Peru for more than five thousand years. The Lake Titicaca basin is considered the main center of origin of quinoa and the center...