How Choosing Nut Milk Can Enhance Your Family’s Health


How Choosing Nut Milk Can Enhance Your Family’s Health

The impact of cow milk on our immune system

Although humans are the only species that continues to drink milk after weaning, we do not have a biological requirement for this food.

Each species produces milk with the perfect composition for its own young. Therefore, drinking milk that is not appropriate, which is not what nature created for humans, will cause our immune system to produce an inflammatory reaction.

And not only that, in addition, the cow’s milk that we get today is loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones (which brings us hormonal imbalances) and a series of non-beneficial bacteria. And most likely it comes from cows that have been fed grain (possibly GMO and laden with pesticides and fertilizers).

We are not only what we eat, but what our food has eaten. And what about calcium? We can get it from other sources, such as green leaves, sesame seeds, sardines, etc.

Dairy consumption can cause eczema, allergies, asthma, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, sinus infections, and all sorts of other problems. We also know that it can cause menstrual problems, hormonal dysregulation, and contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

A delicious and healthy alternative

A delicious alternative that provides nutrients to our diet is nut milk, made from nuts or seeds, but for these to be easily digested they must be previously activated.

The mission of the seeds is to preserve the species, so they contain enzyme inhibitors that prevent the germination process from triggering prematurely. In other words, it protects them so that germination occurs only when in nature the optimal conditions of humidity and heat that they need are given.

When we soak them, these inhibitors, which are antinutrients, pass into the water and the germination process begins, activating all the nutrients in the seed and making the seed more digestible for humans.

My favorite nut milks are almond and coconut milk, you can find those recipes on my cookbook.

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