Cardamom Rose Latte

Rose has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. In Ayurvedic medicine, roses are considered cooling and tonic for the mind. Both refreshing and calming, roses are good for the skin and for the soul, and nothing is more relaxing and comforting than a Rose Latte to which we will add cardamom for its digestive stimulant properties.

This recipe is

Cardamom Rose Latte


Cardamom Rose Latte


  • 2 cups of homemade almond milk
  • 2 tsp rose petal powder
  • 1-2 cardamom pods
  • Raw and unfiltered honey or date sugar to serve (optional)


  • Place the milk, rose petal powder, and open cardamom pods in a saucepan and mix well until dissolved.
  • Bring to medium heat and stir constantly to heat the milk (and infuse it with the cardamom) but do not let it boil.
  • Serve immediately and add sweetener if desired. Or you can let it cool down a bit and serve it with ice for its cold version.
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